Find me on Twitter (@arosha333) & Insta (@dentalwords)

Hi, My name is Dr Arosha Weerakoon
I am an Australian-trained dentist, and practice owner with a PhD in dental materials who loves to communicate about oral hea
Find me on Twitter (@arosha333) & Insta (@dentalwords)
I am an Australian-trained dentist, and practice owner with a PhD in dental materials who loves to communicate about oral hea
What does Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dental practice look like to you? Let's take a look at some possibilities worth considering for your daily practice in the near distant future.
Click on the link below to access the full article available to dental professionals via the Colgate website.
(07) 5449 7167 or email
- Matsuo Basho (Japanese Poet from the Edo period)
A website about oral health, research & occasional musings by a dentist who loves to engage with the public.