A little about Blanche
- Blanche completed her dental degree at the University of Sydney in 1996.
- She spends most of her working life in public health, working in community health facilities in QLD and NSW, in the correctional health system in NSW, and in indigenous health in NT.
- Blanche previously spent 5 years working for the National Health Service in the UK.
- She is currently a private practitioner in Sydney, and a dabbler in remote area health services.
- Her interests lie in oral surgery and aesthetic dentistry, in social equality, peace building, development and capacity-building.
- She completed a Masters of Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Sydney in 2009. She is an environmental and community activist, and an advocate for a grassroots approach to problem-solving.
- Blanche has been volunteering with the Timor Leste Dental Program since 2006 and has been coordinating the program since 2012.
- In 2017, she launched Feisty Ferdy Organics in tribute to her sister, Sharon, who is anaphylactic to nuts and other chemicals. Feisty Ferdy makes nut-free skincare with certified organic ingredients and no nasty chemicals.
- Blanche loves the ocean. She surfs. She is grateful for a fortunate life.
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Podcast Topics
Stuff we cover
- What does Blanche need to practice Dentistry?
- Do you have what it takes to get involved in the East Timor Program?
- Why healthcare workers should be exposed to lateral expansive thinking.
- How can we work towards a better life balance?
- Some lessons learned from the prison system.
- Working in remote Australia.
- The dilemma of a 4Kg tin of sugar and Australian Indigenous Health.
- Coffins in the office.
- Why Blanche became a qualified chainsaw operator.
- Advice to new graduates in oral health.
- Never (I mean NEVER) ask Blanche this question.
- How to make an important decision.